Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Once, when PP and I were cycling back from School we were accosted by this person who stopped us and asked for money to go back to Vijaynagar by bus. So we gave him 5 bucks and rode off home after having receiving the man's gratitude.

We wondered if the man's wallet did actually get picked and that he really needed the money. He did speak fluent English, after all. How could he be a panhandler?

A few days later PP was waiting for a bus and the same guy comes up to him and uses the same line. PP burst out laughing - the man walked away insulted. Or recognised.

(Only Epilogue and Prologue, no real bestseller in between)

Last week at a traffic signal, a man peers in through my window and says "Sir, I was here for a Sales Managers' conference and I need some money to take a train back to Mysore. As an officer, I'm requesting you". So gave him 30 bucks. After all, he was requesting me. And he had to take a train home.

Yesterday, at a traffic signal 3 km away from last week's accostal the same man comes up to me - gives the same spiel and asks me for 30 rupees. Thirty.

I'm looking at the guy with bemusement (really should stop making up words) on my face and he further exhorts me - mentions the traffic signal is counting down quickly and all.

Told him to use a different story the next time and drove away. He looked embarassed.

PS: 5 bucks given by school kids back then (before the IT salaries) was a decent amount of money...


Mr. D said...

there's this story in cbse english texts (back in the day) called 'the umbrella man' by someone famous enough, i forget who.. it's a story told already, son....

blr bytes said...

Dilettante could use some spice in his life...offers?