Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Deathly Hallows: Spoiler Alert!

Will make quite a big-budget movie. In a good way. If they decide to make it four and a half hours long - which I do hope they do.

It has everything - flashbacks, redemption, conversations in netherwordly places like King's Cross Station, loads of heroism and valiant deaths.

I guess this is the feeling Star Wars fans experienced when they watched Return Of The Jedi back in the say.

Ok, so there were no real spoilers in this post. I'm considerate like that.


Deepak Ram said...

crisp, yet complete! Well-written, brother!

Anonymous said...

Kings Cross is not netherworldly

Veganosaurus said...

I started to read it then I read the spoiler alert bit and went away. Now I've finished the book and I came back to see what you said... no spoilers?!!

Dilettante said...

Ram: Thank Yew.

Anon: Read. The. Book. It's much like the railway station in The Matrix sequels.

Susmi: No real spoilers, no?

Anonymous said...

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