Went to Delhi for a day and a half. The weather aparently had cooled down to 30 deg C, ridiculous I tell you. Still, it was decent enough weather ie cloudy, to walk from place to place and catch a rick to here and there.
Lots of pictures were taken at a lot of places. Couldn't go to Karim's in Old Delhi with food that "physically elated" Bangalore Bytes, or Turquoise Cottage that I constantly read about here. Anyway, here is a sample - the rest in dedicated posts.
Lift in Yardbird's apartment in Gurgaon. Scared of the 13th Floor? Don't have one!Table covered with tarpaulin outside the apartment building selling Tropicana Premium Gold, amongst other things.
Delhi Metro. Good stuff.
Update: Other posts here and here.
yes there's no 13th floor in those buildings, the lift buttons look very familiar and i know i've been on those lifts...is that phase V gurgaon by any chance (princeton, carlton...and the third one was wellington or something)??
also reminds me, there's a ruby tuesday in pvr gurgaon...food is ok, some of the starters are good, bit overpriced i think.
Full points Deep! It was Princeton.
And Guragon is a terrible place. Only buildings of offices, apartments or malls. And 30 deg C is considered cool.
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