Friday, November 17, 2006

Life at the factory

"Emergency siren!", says Paul (I don't know his real name yet, so let's call him Paul) rather loudly

A few people (i.e., me) look blankly at him and lots of others get up from their desks and start walking towards The Balcony With The Fire Escape. Lots of people assemble downstairs in the large space between the office building and the shop floors. Rube asks if we can smell burning rubber and I'm wondering how bad the fire is. Everone stands in lines department-wise and I find myself in the HR line (since I've been using a former HR guy's computer until my laptop is given to me).

Some 10 minutes of counting heads (and after using up 1608 x 10 man-minutes) later, we all head back to work happily, like school kids excited having missed a period.

My first ever fire drill. *clap clap*
Good fun it was!


mohayana said...

Solid start maga.
(Was "Paul's" exclamation preceded by a siren?)

blr bytes said...

Ketta kano. Which office it was?

Dilettante said...

Moh: Actually, Paul knew about the drill. Methinks if he hadn't exclaimed (even after a good minute of the siren going off), not many would ave realised :)

BB: The one in Peenya. Don't think they'd do fire drills in them aluminium and glass buildings

Mr. D said...

why paul da? why rube da?

mohayana said...

D , I had the same qn.

You can take the monocle wearer out of Cambridge(layout) , and send him to Peenya , but not the Cambridge out of the monocle world view.

Are you Konch? Buahaha

Dilettante said...

Rube's name is Ruben. Paul is a Mellu dude, so Jose would've better for cultural stereotypes?

Anonymous said...

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