Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's Time To Say Goodbye...

I've been blogging a little over a year now and as my college T-shirt says, it's been a long strange trip. And I'm happy I did because I made some great new friends and one very special friend. But in the end, it's become far too difficult to give this blog the attention that I once did and it rightly deserves.

The 55-word rallies have been what I enjoyed most. It's only fit, even if it's not Friday yet, to sign off with one.

It enters in soft whispers and undying declarations, where words mean more than actions.

In time, the words fade to black as the actions speak for themselves; screaming for sweet release.

And it leaves in broken promises, a city unbuilt and the ruins for the world to see, of what could have been only if...
Like Chamique, I'm all blogged out.


Anonymous said...

Found your blog recently (as you know)... and really enjoy reading it. Am going to miss you!

Anonymous said...

Got to your blog today - when searching for something very different. And found the anonymousfoodie blog. You write well. Too bad you've decided to stop - maybe you'll have second thoughts and post thoughts once in a while. I'll check back :) Good luck with whatever you are doing, and what will take more of your time.

Anonymous said...

The coincidence seems to tell a story. I hope you're okay. Call me.


Anonymous said...

WTF ?? How can you be " all blogged out" ??

Anonymous said...

That's sad.

So there's no chance of one last rally?

Unknown said...

all good things come to an end???

we all loved school but grew up and went to college...

looks like its time to take a ride with us and meet on the back of the blue bus

this is the end my friend

so long and thanks for all the fish

Anonymous said...


I live in yelehanka which is a villge outside bangalore and the only things i knew about the city was only through this place...

Seeing Bangalore through you eyes has been Great - Thank You...

Some where there is a come back in store... i am sure!!

oooo and this is where i am known as Munnabhai - shit!! i am going miss that the most...

Anonymous said...


I live in yelehanka which is a village outside Bangalore and the only things i knew about the city was through this place...

Seeing Bangalore through your eyes has been Great - Thank You...

oooo and this is where i am known as Munnabhai - shit!! i am going miss that the most...

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be there and all I can offer is the words you sent me when I was down.

"I’ve learned that we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change."



Anonymous said...

You will be muchly missed.

Anonymous said...

I waited a long time for a 55 word composition.

And now you're leaving?

It seemed all too short.

Strawberries, Organic said...

Nooooo. Don't go. Please. Pretty please.

Witchy Man said...

i'm retiring from the blogosphere too.

Anonymous said...

good riddance to bad rubbish, i say!

Anonymous said...

Mr. D said...


I'll await your return. Linkys Love lives on, I hope.

Anonymous said...

Oh you drama queen. At least continue to write restaurant reviews. Those you can do in your sleep, can't you?