Monday, August 14, 2006

Windows Live Writer

I've been guilty, on more than a few occasions, of ranting about MSFT. But once in a while, they do release excellent software. And even rarer, is when it's free. Which is the case with this new gem from their stables.

It's called Windows Live Writer. It's a blog editor/post-er and runs on Windows XP. You can post to almost any Blog service, Blogger, Spaces, LiveJournal et. al., it's truly WYSIWYG, follows the familiar MS Word layout/format and since it resides on your desktop, you can compose a post at your leisure and upload it when you're ready with no flaky web-based editor to use. And it can even retreive previous posts for you to edit. It's free and has garnered rave reviews already. Give it a shot.

If you'd rather not, try Performancing for Firefox, Ecto and/or MarsEdit for the Mac.

Drop us a comment once you've used Live Writer.


Anonymous said...

dude wat does this mean "WYSIWYG"??

blr bytes said...

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